Petrom believes that a healthy work environment begins with the welfare of its employees.

Petrom believes that a healthy work environment begins with the welfare of its employees.

Based on the guidelines of OHSAS 18001:2007 the company in its continual evolution maintains a health program called Healthier Petrom.

In order to increase the understanding and hence promote improvements in health for its employees, Petrom began a campaign in June 2010 under the question “How is your health?” in partnership with SESI, called Healthy Industry.

Through a Diagnosis of Health and Lifestyle, a survey was made with employees using interviews. Involving questions about health, lifestyle, stress levels, quality of relationships, socioeconomic, demographic as well as work environment issues.

Moreover, a “health circuit” was performed, whereby there blood pressure, weight, height, waist circumference, blood glucose measurements as well as an oral health evaluation were made alongside guidance and the delivery of a dental kit. At the end of this procedure the employee already received some of his or her results.

According to the final statistics report, Petrom directed its actions in promoting general welfare, based within five areas: health, leisure, sports, food and culture.